• (717) 918-0138
  • Mon-Wed 7:30 - 5 | Thur-Fri 7:30 - 6 | Sat 7:30 - 3 | Sun 9 - 3
Lobster Salad and Citrus

Roasted Salmon with Pesto Sauce

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All ingredients available at The Marketplace

  • 723904  8oz Salmon Portion
  • 775100  Sweet basil Pesto Sauce
J.G. Signature Meals


Thaw salmon over night in refrigerator, or run cold water over salmon to thaw.

To Bake: Preheat the oven to 325°. Place a piece of parchment paper on a rimmed baking sheet. Lay the salmon fillets on the baking sheet, not touching. Spoon 1 1/2 tablespoons of pesto over each fillet and spread it with the back of a spoon or knife so that it's lightly coated with pesto. Preheat the oven to 325°.Cook the salmon for 12-15 minutes for medium. Serve immediately

To Pan Fry: Bring salmon to room temperature 10 minutes before cooking. Warm a large non stick skillet with oil over medium-low heat. Season the fish with salt and pepper. Raise the heat to medium-high. Place the salmon, skin-side up in the pan. Cook until golden brown on 1 side, about 4 minutes. Turn the fish over with a spatula, and cook until it feels firm to the touch, about 3 minutes more. Heat Pesto and spoon over Salmon and serve.

Serving Suggestions: Mashed Potatoes, Garden salad, or vegetable of choice.